

Can your DNA inform your nutritional and exercise choices?

If you have a heritage DNA report (Ancestry, 23andMe, etc.), you have access to your raw DNA data!

We can upload your raw DNA and create a nutritional genetic profile that will detail what your DNA says about your nutritional predispositions. Here is an example of our practical recommendations based on a DNA analysis:

  • NPAS2- This gene suggests eating late in the evening can affect your circadian rhythm.

    • Eating in an 8-11 hour window is ideal.

    • Stop eating at ~ 5/6 pm on days you are able.

  • Take 50 mg of Zinc daily HERE

  • Immune to Noravirus

  • Power athlete- keep weight training

  • Increased cardiovascular fitness

  • Increased lifespan genes

  • Take Vitamin D with K2 daily

  • Thrive on a high fiber/high protein diet

    • ~ 25% of your daily intake should be from protein

  • Increasing polyunsaturated fat intake will help your heart (fatty fish, flax, nuts, and seeds)

  • Take Thorne Curcumin HERE as directed

    • Curcumin increases FADS2 enzyme which helps increase DHA levels in the brain

    • Here are the research benefits if DHA and a lay summary HERE in Scientific American

  • If possible, do not have caffeine after noon and limit caffeine consumption to 1-2 cups/day